Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How to keep employees happy..

Often managers are boggled when employees leave big known companies and join a small start up or a smaller not so well known company. What does a typical employee look for...

1. A compensation perceived as equitable and fair.
2. A decent management which is fair, equitable. Also, keep the work load challenging but not overburdening
3. Provide a decent place to work and also allow enough flexibility (work from home option, time for doc and dental appts etc)
4. Respect and dignity in all interactions be it face to face, email or phone

So, when will managers get it that all it takes is some simple rules to retain good employees. duh!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Lunch at Mango Tree-along the river Tunga

Idyllic..facing the river flowing along the rocky boulders..."steppes"..a quiet restaurant. To access, one walks through a banana plantation..at the entrance remove shoes, wash feet and enter this place where bang in the middle is a huge tree with a platform around it...laid back, clean thali with fresh food. Mango Tree. Sipping a cool lassi, while watching the buffalo frolic in the river, an experience only to live for :)


Everyone has something that they are passionate about..Could be cooking, gardening, knitting, writing, singing...but idling? Can someone be just passionate about doing nothing at all ? just lazing around? Not having the urge to do anything at all?..Perhaps that is an enlightened soul..who knows that anyway life is finite..anyway at the end of the mad rush, its over..so why not just idle.I envy such folk who are able to idle away with no guilt or no sense of rush...Idlers Zindabad.